Blog Disclaimer
Thanks for visiting! My blog is a resource guide for educational and informational purposes for anyone who loves organizing and quilting. To write my articles, I use my experiences, the experiences of others and various other resources including but not limited to the web of the internet, good ‘ol fashioned books that I may or may not have a vast collection of, friends- who have great ideas, opinions and ways of doing things and much, much more– including the young minds of my kids and the honey who sometimes is very opinionated.
Opinion and Advice Disclaimer
Everything you see here is of my opinion. Now, I don’t know it all and sometimes….maybe more than sometimes, I spell incorrectly. I still do take the time to find correct information to the best of my ability. That said, my advice and opinion is taken into account at your own risk. Please, please seek out the proper lawyer/doctor/other licensed professional.
Affiliate Links Disclaimer
Please know that if you click on a link that I’ve provided, it might be a link to someone who will give me a commission (money) if you buy something from that site. Now, I’m being upfront with you on that end- and will also add that I will not link to something that is sketchy or not of good value. The links will be for companies that I believe in and have used in the past. They are things I share with my mom. They are good.
Amazon link disclaimer: Patchwork Posse is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. com.
Product Descriptions
We love our products, and we hope you do, too. That said, sometimes we might slip up, and sometimes, errors happen. Things like pricing or merchandise descriptions get mixed up, and then we look bad. While that stinks, what’s most important to us is that you’re happy. So while we can’t guarantee that all information on the site is always 100% accurate at any given time, if you do notice a mistake? Please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know. Since we can’t guarantee the products for your particular circumstances or purposes, we can guarantee that we’ll give you the best customer service we can to remedy the situation.